Durham Regional Police – Summer R.I.D.E. Results

In Police Blotter

Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) completed its first weekend of the Summer R.I.D.E program, stopping more than 1,379 vehicles and charging seven drivers with impaired driving offences.

DRPS officers conducted R.I.D.E checks throughout the Region of Durham with one goal: roadway safety. Although this program places an emphasis on impaired related offences, officers sought to ensure the safety of the roadways within our region.

Over the weekend, our R.I.D.E. team was joined by volunteers from MADD Durham who assisted in educating drivers about the dangers of impaired driving. While the vast majority of motorists are abiding by the rules and regulations, some people seem oblivious to the dangers of impaired driving. Officers responded to four accidents involving impaired drivers.

The weekend’s Summer R.I.D.E totals are as follows

1,379 Vehicles stopped by R.I.D.E.

25 People given Roadside Breath Tests

2 People received “3 Day Suspensions” for registering a “WARN”

6 People were charged with Impaired Driving Offences

14 Other Criminal Code Charges

Over the weekend, (Friday-Sunday) the R.I.D.E team charged a total of six motorists with impaired driving offences. Our members are grateful for the calls and information provided by the public with respect to impaired drivers. Please remember: If you see it, report it – it could save a life.

A complete list of those charged with Impaired/Exceed has been posted on our website at www.drps.ca under Ride Results.

Note: Under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, anyone charged with a criminal impaired driving offence will have their driver’s licence suspended for ninety days and their vehicle impounded automatically for seven days.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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