Exclusive – McDonald’s Manager Has Different Version of Incident Involving Cobourg Mayor Elect

In Editor Choice, Local

A manager at McDonald’s has a different version of events that took place over the weekend with mayor elect Lucas Cleveland.

Today’s Northumberland broke the story how police were called after an incident at McDonald’s on William Street in Cobourg on Sunday, October 30, 2022 at approximately 1 p.m.

Mayor elect Cleveland was in line at the drive-thru and ordered a Happy Meal for his son.

When he arrived at the window, the server said they have a corporate policy of not taking $100 bills.

Cleveland told Today’s Northumberland that they did eventually take the bill, but refused to give him food along with the change and to top it off, they called the police.

Cleveland pleaded for his money back so he could just leave and inferred that the woman serving him knew he was mayor-elect and didn’t like him for that reason.

Police arrived and Cleveland was given his money back and no further action was taken.

But on Tuesday, November 1, 2022 a manager at McDonald’s wrote below the story on Facebook.

Cleveland confirmed that it was one of the managers he had dealt with, but not the one that called police or took his money.

“So let me get the facts straight,” the manager said on Facebook.

“Yes we do not accept 100 bills at McDonald’s, he said that it is illegal to not to accept 100 bills. So more to the story was, because we explained how we couldn’t accept the $100 bill, he than wouldn’t want to move out of the drive thru. He put his window up and shut (the) engine off (and) made a complete full out of himself and said “I am not going to move until you take my 100 bill.”

That is why we took the money and told him to move to the next window in order for us to serve the other customers. So we had no choice but to call the police to have him removed from the drive thru.”

The woman stated, Cleveland “acted out and created a scene” by shutting his engine off and rolling up his window stating he wasn’t moving.

In follow-up posts the manager said, “he was in the wrong he needs to be an adult and just admit to his wrongs,” stating Cleveland “twisted the whole thing around.”

The woman said it is “laughable” that staff wouldn’t serve him because they didn’t like him.

“He acted like a child and not an adult in this situation.”

Her comments were later removed from Facebook on Tuesday afternoon.

After reaching out to McDonald’s Marketing and Community Relations Manager Tyler Wirsching on Sunday at approximately 8:18 p.m.  Wirsching responded on Monday at 12:42 p.m., “Thanks for reaching out and bringing this to my attention. I am out of the office Sunday’s and I do not return until tomorrow. I will look into this upon my return.”

Wirsching stated on Tuesday at 2:45 p.m., Unfortunately I cannot comment on your e-mail. We will reach out if we have a change in our position.”

Cleveland stated he has requested the body worn camera video from the Cobourg Police who attended the scene on Sunday to show that he was, calm, collected and kind” and never once raised his voice or used profane language.

On Tuesday, Cleveland stated when he gets the video from police, he’ll share it with Today’s Northumberland stating, “I’ll happily get you the video from the police and then I will most likely leave this be,” and stated he wouldn’t be offering future comment.

Exclusive – Cobourg Mayor Elect Not Very McHappy With Service

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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