Food Bank’s Main Vehicle Out of Commission Until January As a Result of Catalytic Converter Theft

In Editor Choice, Local, Police Blotter

Staff at the Northumberland Fare Share Food Bank were in shock on Tuesday morning when they found out that the catalytic converter had been stolen from their main delivery vehicle.

Director of Northumberland Fair Share Food Bank, Denis Culver said, “it’s the lowest of the low for somebody to have to steal from the Food Bank.”

The vehicle was last parked at the Food Bank offices located at 700 D’Arcy Street from approximately Friday at 1 p.m. until Tuesday morning.

Culver said it was a “rude awakening when the started up” and the sound that it made.

When they drove the vehicle to McCracken’s Auto Repair it was discovered that the catalytic converter had been cut out.

Insurance will cover most of cost to replace the $4,000 piece of equipment. But the Food Bank still has to pay the $500 deductible.

“That’s taking food out of people’s mouths – it’s sad.”

The other problem is the Food Bank is heading into the busiest season fo the year without the vehicle that is desperately needed.

“It’s going to be the middle or the end of January for a manufacturers part.”

It’s up to the insurance if they want to get an after market part, but again, there is no estimate of time.

“It’s really going to hurt us.”

“I also know from getting a rental vehicle for my own use, that rental vehicles are hard to get right now.”

“We’re going to have to look at it and figure it out. We’ll come up with a plan somehow. But we will be using personal vehicles more. We probably won’t be able to rent something this size so it’s going to have to increase our workload to our local grocery stores that we purchase and get donations from.”

The vehicle is used Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday on a regular basis along with weekends for Food Drives.

On Tuesday’s it ranges from 4,000 to 6,000 pounds of food they pick up from various locations to bring to their warehouse on D’Arcy Street.

‘We can do it, but it’s going to take a lot longer.”

On top of that, the vehicle also gets used on Thursday’s to deliver food to approximately 45 locations.

“We’re going to hurt until we figure out how to get around it.”

Northumberland Fare Share Food Bank will be having a Cram-A-Cruiser on November 19 at Walmart and No Frills in Cobourg.

Anyone with information on the theft is asked to call Cobourg Police or Crimestoppers.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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