Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board sent a message to families of students about schooling in Clarington.
“We recognize that yesterday’s snow storm and the resulting clean-up have created many challenges.
We continue to monitor the conditions within all our regions with respect to school operations, ongoing snow removal, and weather forecasts of more snow this evening and overnight.
In consultation with the Municipality of Clarington about their ongoing snow removal efforts, and the forecast for more snow this evening and tomorrow, we have made the decision that:
All schools in the Municipality of Clarington will be CLOSED to students and staff tomorrow, Wednesday, January 19, and will pivot to remote learning.
Students will pivot to remote learning for the day. Learning during this period will involve a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities for all students. Synchronous learning refers to real-time teaching when the students and teacher are connected live, while asynchronous education involves online posting or distribution of resources that can be completed by students independently.
We continue to review other regions of the board and will communicate any further decisions on school status tomorrow morning.”