Masonic Lodge- Ontario District to Support Cancer Patients through Project Hope

In Local

The Northumberland Hills Hospital (NHH) Foundation is celebrating a special donation from the Masonic Lodges of Ontario District. An incredible $35,000.

It was just over a year ago in August 2023, when Ron DeMerchant, a resident of Brighton and
35-year member of the Masonic Lodge, assumed the role of District Deputy Grand Master.

Traditionally in this role, the representative chooses a charity to raise funds for during their term
of office.

Having given this a great deal of thought, Ron wanted to raise funds for cancer treatment
patients and/or their families who receive outpatient treatment through the Durham Regional
Cancer Centre and Northumberland Hills Hospital, both hospitals within their masonic district.

“From personal experience in my family, and through casual discussions with other masons and
friends who have had family go through cancer, I know there are many other burdens on the
family and patient caused by the essential treatments for these horrible diseases, such as
increased travel, parking, even having a cup of coffee or snack while awaiting treatment, and
there are probably more that I am not considering. I wanted to help give them hope of a positive
outcome by taking away some of these worries,” states DeMerchant.

“As a mason in our ceremonies we are taught to practice charity in its most ample sense “to
soothe the afflictions and relieve the necessities” of others. So, I wanted a project to provide
comfort and support alongside the medical services the hospitals provides,” he continues.

Over the course of his year serving as District representative of the Grand Master, several
fundraisers were held including a gala, bonspiel, a barbecue, the sale of Project Hope
Challenge pins and coins – and even a “pick Ron’s tattoo” contest, and his 60th birthday bash.

One lodge also received a $5,000 bequest to be directed to a local charity and they chose the
Project Hope initiative. All funds raised were topped up 25% by the Masonic Foundation of
Ontario. When the final tally of $34,400 per hospital was presented to its members, one Mason
volunteered to make a personal donation of $600 for each hospital to make it an even $35,000.

“We are deeply grateful for the thoughtfulness the Masonic Lodges of Ontario District have
expressed with this support. This will make a huge difference in the lives of local cancer
patients and we look forward to coming up with a plan to ensure they are supported with this
generosity to help make their journey a little easier,” shares Rhonda Cunningham, CEO of the
NHH Foundation.

A number of Masons representing the 980 members in their District attended the Hospital last
week to present their donation of $35,000.

The 15 lodges in Ontario District extend from Whitby to Colborne and are part of the Grand
Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario. For more information see

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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