Video – Cobourg By-Law Responds to Trench Complaint

In Local

On Friday, August 16, 2024 Municipal Law Enforcement Department of Cobourg received a complaint regarding a violation to the Town’s Clean Yards and Lot Maintenance By-law.

The incident happened at 202 Green Street where a building is being renovated.

During that time a trench was dug on the property along Queen Street, but the only fencing was tape around the trench.

Communications officer, Kara Euale said, “MLEO has taken action to remedy any life safety issues and bring the property into compliance.”

The town called a fencing company who arrived quickly and installed fencing around the trench.

“This is an ongoing investigation and therefore, no additional information can be shared at this time,” said Euale.

Today’s Northumberland reached out to the building owner Joe Mysak who provided a statement.

“We are upgrading the electrical to the building to 800amps and we had to dig the trench to put the wires underground. I have taken tremendous joy and pride in renovating the building. It was completely falling apart when I purchased it last year. My goal was to improve the building and the neighbourhood and restore the building to its original glory. Unfortunately the locates on the property were done incorrectly and the trench has been left open longer then originally scheduled.

We had people on site and the trench was supposed to be closed by now and we tried to ensure safety with stakes and caution tape and had people on site during the day.

I had received a call from my real estate agent the day before the city called me.

My agent mentioned the heartbreaking story of a child that had passed away in Cobourg I believe it was last year and I had called my team to put up a fence.

The next day the city called and told me they were putting up a fence within two hours. I tried to make contact to find out exactly what size and type of fencing they wanted just in case the fence we were bringing was not to their liking.

My team was already on the road bringing fencing but at that time the city had already constructed a fence.

I want to apologize to everyone and neighbours for the concern we have raised. My intentions our good and will continue to ensure safety at the building (we installed over 8 cameras at the building) to ensure safety for day care next door.”

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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