Video – Appalling Mess Outside The Warming Hub in Cobourg Isn’t Uncommon

In Editor Choice, Local

An appalling mess outside St. Peter’s Anglican Church isn’t something new for the people who clean it up.

From 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. The Warming Hub is open on the west side of St. Peter’s Church along College Street.

A number of people from The Warming Hub used to congregate at a bus shelter on King Street just at College Street.

Because no one is allowed to smoke at The Warming Hub it wasn’t uncommon for the bus shelter to be used during the day and night.

But recently the shelter was damaged and was taken down.

On Monday, there were numerous coffee cups, along with drug paraphernalia including gloves with what appears to be blood on them by a tree with a bench that was dedicated to Peter Walter Ramsay.

A burned candle sat on top of the bench and it appears that the bench was burned in areas.

Shortly after Today’s Northumberland took video a two workers came out to clean the area.

“Same thing everyday,” said one worker.

“Doesn’t get any better – wish it would,” said the man.

Northumberland-Peterborough South MP Philip Lawrence was passing by and stopped to look at the scene.

“We need to get people to treatment – we need to get people to a better condition than what they are right now and we need to also make sure that the residents of Cobourg feel safe and secure.”

Lawrence said the people need to get in treatment so they can be productive members of society.

But adds that, “everyone has a right to security and safety of the person.  We need to get people in a position where they can succeed.”

Lawrence admits the challenging part is getting help for the people that don’t want it.

“We need to make every effort to put people in a position to be successful.  I know it’s a difficult one.  We’ve got great people in Cobourg and in the Province and we need to work with these folks.  The solution cannot be just palliative care for drug users.  It has to be to get them clean and being productive members of society.”

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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