Hispania Concert a Great Success in Northumberland

In Community, Local

With a grand finale, the Hispania concert provided a great closing to the 2022 celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month in Northumberland.

On October 22, at the Cobourg Victoria Concert Hall, the Northumberland Hispanic Cultural Club (NHCC), in partnership with the Northumberland Orchestra & Choir (NOC), presented Hispania to a full house that came from beyond Northumberland.

The Hispanic community from Northumberland, Peterborough, Durham and Toronto were present, and among the public was a representative of the General Consulate of Mexico in Toronto, the renowned singer Amanda Martínez and the Canadian-Mexican journalist Silvia Mendez, who came from Toronto and had words of praise for the quality of the event.

The Hispania concert was led by John Kraus, director of NOC, featuring representative artists of the Hispanic community in Canada, such as the violinist Victoria Yeh, duo “Tango de Oro” formed by Roxana and Fabián Belmonte, the classical guitar soloist Jorge López, tenor Fabián Arciniegas, and Mariachi Mexico Amigo, who delighted the audience with traditional Hispanic American melodies.

The Hispania Concert was just one of the events that the Northumberland Hispanic Cultural Club prepared to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. Other events included:

The “Northumberland Hispanic Film Festival” held on October 4, 5 and 6 at Victoria Hall and October 26 at the Aron Theatre Co-op, Campbellford – Trent Hills.

“Influential Latin & Hispanics in Canada”, exhibition , held at the Colborne Art Gallery, Heritage Room, until December 11.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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