Campbellford Memorial Hospital Seeks Community Input on Proposed Campus of Care Site Selection Criteria

In Local

Ensuring sustainable and local access to medical care is a priority for the Board of Directors of Campbellford Memorial Hospital (CMH).  To that end, CMH is currently in the early stages of planning the redevelopment of its existing hospital to a new campus of care that will bring together on one site the hospital, long-term care, affordable senior housing and services, mental health, primary care, and other healthcare services.

As part of this process, the Board of Directors recently confirmed the criteria for a new site to accommodate this proposed campus of care.  The Board’s Redevelopment Planning Committee comprised of board members, hospital staff, and members of the community developed the criteria with guidance from various planning documents, advice from other hospitals and input from the Municipality of Trent Hills.  An exhaustive list of criteria was then broken down and categorized into 12 key site selection factors.

At this juncture the CMH board is seeking public comments and feedback on these criteria to inform its selection of a new site.  The Board is also interested in community identification of any other critical criteria that should be considered to guide the process.

Please visit to learn more about the site selection criteria and to have your say in the process.

Members of the public can also email general comments to


Associated Links:

Campbellford Memorial Hospital – Renovate or Replace

Unanimous Support from 11 Mayors in Region for a Redeveloped Campbellford Memorial Hospital

Community Members invited to share why they wish for a Redeveloped Campbellford Memorial Hospital


Site Selection Criteria:

Arterial/County/Town Road Ease of access (ambulance/emergency vehicles, patients, staff, deliveries)
Lot size over 40 acres Enables full Campus of Care concept
Minimize Distance to Infrastructure & Availability of Utilities  Cost per metre to construct sewer/water lines.    Utilities (Gas, Phone, Hydro, Fibre Optic Cable) with sufficient capacity to support hospital needs will be required
Project Control Ability to control planning, site configuration, speed of development
Land Suitability Relatively flat, no significant environmental/archeological constraints
Satisfying Long Term Care Home Needs This includes site location, site design, speed of development
Least Cost to Acquire Land Sites could be donation, combination of donation/in kind/ or purchase
Minimize Planning Compliance Challenges Most sites will require official planning amendments and rezoning, potentially urban boundary adjustments
Other Acquisition Considerations Ease of securing land, potential for terms advantageous to the hospital, timing access
Potential to co-locate the Helipad Move current helipad to be on-site and adjacent to new hospital
No site specific Land Claim Majority of Trent Hills is in the Williams Treaty Area with a number of active Land Claim settlement negotiations underway with Ontario and Canada
Site’s Aesthetic Appeal Includes view-scapes, tranquility, access to outdoor site recreation and amenities for patients/residents/staff to safely enjoy the site

















Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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