Town of Cobourg and Cobourg Police Issue Update on By-Law Enforcement at Beach

In City Hall, Local

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland

The Town of Cobourg and Cobourg Police Service have issued an update on on-going bylaw-enforcement efforts at the beach during the week of Aug. 2 to 8, including analytics of the types of citations and warnings issued due to noncompliance.

Twenty-three Provincial Offences citations were issued, including seven Liquor Licence Act ticket, one violation of the town’s alcohol bylaw, six smoking-in-public-areas tickets, three tickets for barbecues on the beach and two for dogs on the beach, two tent enclosures on the beach and two trespassing charges at the lighthouse.

As well, 133 electronic parking tickets were issued. Beachgoers are reminded to use the Honk Mobile App to top up their parking fees on-line. Bylaw Enforcement Officers observed this app in wide use, noting that the average person was paying the $20-per-day parking fee.

Members of the Cobourg Police Service and the town’s Bylaw Enforcement team continue to work closely together to educate and prevent further bylaw offences from occurring on the beach with an active daily patrol schedule.

“We have to ensure that town bylaws are being enforced and that Victoria Park beach is being respectfully utilized,” Chief Paul VandeGraaf said in the press release.

“Aside from issuing tickets and citations for noncompliance, we are also working collaboratively to educate beachgoers on the rules of the beach – particularly that there are no barbecues, alcohol or dogs permitted as outlined in the Parks Use Bylaw.”

That would be Bylaw 022-2016, which regulates, manages, protects, controls and governs the use of all public parks and public open spaces, including the beach, harbour, trails and other public facilities.

As a reminder, the bylaw does not permit those on the beach to consume alcohol, bring dogs to the beach, utilize the beach between 11 a.m. and 7 a.m., light bonfires, use a barbecue or cooking device, operate loudspeakers or sound-amplifying equipment, or install or erect an enclosed tent or structure.

The town’s Bylaw Enforcement Officers have the authority to enforce bylaw provisions, and both they and the Cobourg Police Service respectfully request co-operation from everyone enjoying the beach this summer.

Residents and visitors may continue reporting compliance and enforcement issues by calling the town at 905-372-4301, calling the Cobourg Police service at 905-372-6821, or e-mailing bylawenforcement!

For more information on the Parks Use Bylaw, contact the Legislative Service Department at 905-372-4301 or

Cecilia Nasmith
Author: Cecilia Nasmith

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