COVID-19 Respite Centre Taking Shape At Victoria Park Campground in Cobourg

In Local

Cobourg Police Service and the Town of Cobourg have worked to set up a COVID-19 isolation/care centre for first responders at Victoria Beach Trailer Park.

Two trailers arrived yesterday to the park and will be available as single-use isolation housing. The trailers have been generously donated by Owasco RV Centre (Clarington). It is thanks to the personal and professional relationships between members of the Cobourg Police Service Board and Owasco RV Centre owners, Bob and Amy Verwey, that the first two trailers were able to be procured for the site so quickly.

“These unprecedented times demand innovative and rapid response. The Cobourg Police Services Board was pleased to step up and quickly reach out to connections at Owasco to be part of the solution,” says Chair Dean Pepper, Cobourg Police Service Board. “The folk there have a well-demonstrated sense of community and were pleased to join us in supporting our front line officers and other emergency personnel across our community. We are stronger together.”

“Amid the coronavirus pandemic, first responders and healthcare professionals continue to go to work and keep the community safe and healthy. They are at the forefront of the effort to flatten the curve,” says Chief Paul VandeGraaf, Cobourg Police Service. “The Isolation facility will provide a safe place for first responders to isolate and avoid putting their families at risk. Cobourg Police Service is happy to see the commitment to the project from the Cobourg Police Service Board, the community and special thanks Owasco for their generous contribution.”

The isolation site will be available to first responders including, police, firefighter, paramedics, and healthcare professionals, if they need to isolate. Cobourg Police Service will be operating the site in partnership with the Town of Cobourg staff. Auxiliary Officer Graham Richardson has taken the lead as Logistics Coordinator for the project.

The trailers will be completely self-contained and are stocked with essential items to assist an individual that requires isolation. Fencing will be put up around the perimeter to keep the site private. The Cobourg Police Service is excited to see the support and quick response from community partners to bring the project together.

The Cobourg Police Service trailer was also brought in on Wednesday which will be a command post for organizers.

Site features:
• Electrical
• Water and sewer
• Privacy fencing (to be installed)

Exclusive – First Trailers Arrive At What Will Be “COVID-19 Respite Centre” In Victoria Park Campground In Cobourg

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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