Cobourg Police – Cyclist and Pedestrian Safety

In Local

On Wednesday October 30th, 2018 members of the Cobourg Police Service will be enforcing the Highway Traffic Act (H.T.A.) and Town By-Laws as they pertain to cyclist and pedestrian safety. This enforcement will take place throughout the Town of Cobourg and will focus not only on cyclists and pedestrians but other road users as well.

This initiative is about making the public aware of cyclists and pedestrians. The hours of daylight are becoming shorter and the weather more uncooperative, thus reducing visibility on the roads.

Making yourself visible on the road by drivers is important. This can be easily done through high visibility reflective clothing, and proper lighting on bicycles as some examples.

Here are some examples of relevant sections of the H.T.A. and By-Laws that officers will be enforcing:

H.T.A. section 144(29) – Cyclist – ride in crosswalk
H.T.A. section 75(5) – No horn – bicycle
H.T.A. section (17) – Improper bicycle lighting
H.T.A. section (22) – Pedestrian fail to use crosswalk

These H.T.A. offences all carry a set fine of $85

Town of Cobourg By-Law 012-2016 section 3(a) – Ride, operate, propel, or otherwise use or permit the riding of, in- line skates, roller-skates skateboards, e-bike, bicycles, Segway, hover board or similar devices on Municipal Sidewalks

The Town By-Law carries a set fine of $65

With Halloween fast approaching the Cobourg Police Service reminds all motorists to drive defensively and courteously. Watch carefully for enthusiastic children who may not be watching themselves. Avoid speeding in residential neighbourhoods and obey the laws governing distracted driving. Traffic safety is everyone’s responsibility.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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