Citizens’ Council of Hamilton Township Ratepayer’s Association Media Release

In City Hall, Local

Share in the conversation – communication is key promotes the CCHT.

In a release the CCHT has outlined various issues prior to the Candidates Forum on September 10, 2018 at the Harwood Hall at 7 p.m.

Citizen’s Council of Hamilton Township 2018 Municipal Election Platform for the new Council of Hamilton Township
Members of the CCHT have indication they would like the next Council of Hamilton Township to provide the following for their residents. In preparation for the 2018 Municipal Election the CCHT plans to present an all candidates forum and to interview candidates on their positions with respect to our concerns. Please assist us in finalizing this platform.

To sustain an autonomous financially stable municipality.
1., We, the Citizens’ Council of Hamilton Township, request the formation of the following Committees of diverse, inclusive, and qualified ratepayers to provide representation on:

a. Budget Committee – to incorporate a more comprehensive budget process as requested in the 2017 by the CCHT and to include the following committees with citizen representation;

b. Roads Committee – using a strategic plan based on previous consultation by third parties and staff for road improvement, resurfacing and construction

c. Parks and Recreation Committee – to provide input into the use and programming for Township recreation parks and buildings.

d. Planning Committee (Committee of Adjustment) – 3 citizens and 2 councillors, who annually rotate membership on the committee.

c. Public Works Committee – to work with staff in formulating capital expenditure plan based on condition, not age

2. Rejection of any amalgamation or annexation with Cobourg based on the detrimental effects it would have on the citizens of Hamilton Township.

To achieve an open and transparent government
1. Public questions and comment period following each Committee of the Whole meeting. The procedure to be determined based on other municipalities that allow ratepayers’ questions and comments on matters before council at Committee of the whole meetings, for example, Brighton, Port Hope and other progressive townships in Ontario.

2. To have archived indefinitely video taping of Committee of the Whole, Regular Council Meetings, and Committee of Adjustment Meetings to ensure integrity and full disclosure of reports and voting.

3. Ensure the Township Council and Staff demonstrate the highest quality of leadership and commitment in delivering the 2020 Strategic Plan, living up to the Mission, Vision, and most importantly the Values they have adopted.

Concerns citizens have in Hamilton Township collected at the CCHT member meeting on December – 2017.
1. Lack of transparency/accountability of the Mayor and council.

2. More opportunities for public to engage in council meetings.

3. Improve communications between township (council/staff) and taxpayers (customers).

4. Public input in budget process.

5. Website to be revised to make easier to use and more information to answer questions citizens have about activities and procedures, bylaws etc.

6. Communicate to inform citizens of issues before council at next meeting.

7. Taxpayers to be active members on township committees.

8. A vision for the future of Hamilton township in all areas, i.e. land use, environmentally sensitive areas, growth of villages, acknowledgement of places historically, socially and culturally relevant.

9. Policies for issues such as communication towers, solar farms, solar installations, environmentally sensitive areas, growth of villages, water use.

10. Provide the public information on the road study and plan and capital plan annually in advance of the budget meeting and input into these areas. Coordinators meetings open to the public.

11. A Mayor who does not direct staff on day-to-day operations.

12. More parking spaces for people using Gores Landing dock and boat launch facilities.

13. Opportunity to submit written questions and comments, which are presented orally in presentations to council. (See Brighton Council)

14. Sidewalks are needed in some of our villages.

15. Township needs to spend funds on necessary improvements in all villages.

16. Public Works Department must be more accountable for equipment purcheases.

17. Better traffic control in all villages.

18. Timely disclosure of necessary information to taxpayers.

19. Improve the quality of service and monitoring of Zoning (Committee of Adjustment) Staffing capability. Mistakes and omissions by staff increase costs to applicants and taxpayers, increase dissatisfaction and frustration, and cause unnecessary delays and repetition of tasks by applications, their legal counsel and staff. Developers should not have better quality of service than individuals.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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