Cobourg Police Weekly Media Release

In News, Police Blotter

From the 15th of July 2018 through the 22nd of July 2018, the Cobourg Police Service responded to 277 occurrences including; 6 911 calls, 10 Alarm calls, 1 Ambulance Assist call, 4 Assault calls, 1 Attempt or threat of suicide call, 2 Break and Enter calls, 43 Community Service calls, 2 Dangerous Condition calls, 2 Disturb the Peace calls, 3 Domestic dispute calls, 6 Drug Offences calls, 2 Family Disputes, 2 Harassment calls, 4 Impaired over calls, 4 Liquor Licence act calls, 4 Mental Health calls, 3 Mischiefs calls, 3 Missing person calls, 5 Motor vehicle collision calls, 5 Municipal by law calls, 5 Neighbour dispute calls, 5 Noise complaint calls, 5 Person welfare checks, 25 Police assistance calls, 15 Property Checks, 4 Shoplifts, 1 sudden death, 14 Suspicious Persons, 11 Theft calls, 11 Traffic complaints, 6 Traffic enforcement calls, and 2 unwanted persons. Here are some examples of calls for service for the week.
July 15th;
· Cobourg Police responded to a downtown residence in regards to drug use. The tenants of the residence advised Police that people are continuously attending their residence asking for drugs. Police advised the complainant to contact Police when unknown persons knock on their door.
· Cobourg Police attended the Pier in the Town of Cobourg in regards to a female attempting to commit suicide. Police located the female back at her residence and provided assistance.
· Cobourg Police attended a Motor Vehicle Collision in the downtown core which resulted in one person being transported to the Northumberland Hills Hospital. The Collision occurred on private property.

July 16th;
· Cobourg Police attended a residence in regards to a family member using drugs. The family was seeking advice from Police. Advice provided to the family about local organizations to assist them.
· A Cobourg resident attended the Cobourg Police Station in regards to suffering withdrawals and seeking assistance. Cobourg Police contacted Ambulance to assist the male
· Cobourg Police responded to a downtown residence in regards to a male having Mental Health issues involving drugs use. The male was hallucinating and was a danger to himself and others. The male was transported to the Northumberland Hills Hospital to be assessed by a Doctor.
July 17th;
· Cobourg Police attended Northumberland Hills Hospital in regards to a patient being verbally aggressive towards staff. Cobourg Police escorted the patient off the property after being seen by a Doctor.
· The Community Emergency Team with Mental Health personnel from the Northumberland Hills Hospital, assisted a Cobourg male in regards to his Mental Health and providing assistance to the male.
· Cobourg Police attended 8 Community Services in the Town of Cobourg involving foot patrols in the downtown core and at Victoria park

July 18th
· Cobourg Police responded to a local business for a report of a male who is suicidal and cut himself. Cobourg Police and Ambulance attended at which time the male was transported to the Northumberland Hills Hospital to be assessed by a Doctor.
· Cobourg Police were called to a rail crossing because of 2 kids playing around wires. Cobourg Police responded to the area but were unable to locate the children.
· A resident in the downtown core contacted the Cobourg Police in regards to ongoing drug use in his apartment building. The resident provided a description of the male possibly involved in drugs. Cobourg Police attended the area in attempt to locate the male with negative results.
July 19th
· Cobourg Police received information that there are possible drug dealings going on in a north east end residence of Cobourg. The complainant provided information of the parties involved in the drug activity. Police responded and were not able to locate the parties.
· Cobourg Police responded to a north east end residence in regards to suspicious people showing up possibly looking for drugs. The complainant stated to Police that people have been showing up once a week for a couple of months and is concerned.
· Cobourg Police attended a north east end residence in regards to a female showing up uninvited to a family residence looking for her children. The female is on court conditions not to attend the family’s residence. It was reported that the female was looking for more money to buy drugs.

July 20th
· Traffic enforcement was conducted in the Town of Cobourg by the Community Emergency Response Team. 4 Highway Traffic Charges were issued.
· Cobourg Police responded to a north east end residence in regards to approximately 5 different people going in the residence and leaving a short time later. Complainants advised that there is a lot of traffic coming and going to the same residence and thinks these people are picking up drugs. Complainants provided information that taxi cabs are sitting out in front of the residence while people go in the residence and leaving a short time later
· A resident in the downtown area of Cobourg contacted the Police in regards to possible drug trafficking in their building. The resident advised Police that people are also staying in the building without permission. Cobourg Police attended and investigated the allegations.
· Cobourg Police investigated a single motor vehicle collision with a telephone pole on King St. West. The vehicle left the scene on a flat tire. Police located the vehicle, and arrested and charged the 68 year old male for impaired driving.

July 21st
· Cobourg Police attended a local hotel in regards to a female and a male entering the hotel looking for drugs from the complainant. Both parties left with the key to the hotel. Police assisted the complainant in gaining entry back in the hotel. Complainant did not provide any information about the unknown male and female.
· Cobourg Police attended Victoria Park in regards to a missing child. Cobourg Police assisted in locating the missing child who was found in the water and was reunited with his family.
· Cobourg Police located and executed a Bench Warrant on a Cobourg male.

July 22nd
· Cobourg Police attended a north east end residence in regards to a female overdosing on drugs. Cobourg Police administered Narcan to the female. Drugs were located at the scene and seized. The female was transported to the Northumberland Hills Hospital for medical condition.
· Cobourg Police responded to a possible impaired driver leaving a local establishment. Cobourg Police attended the area and were not able to locate the vehicle.
· Cobourg Police received information that a male was staggering around a north east end residence possibly intoxicated. Cobourg Police attended the area but could not locate the male

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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