Video – Traffic Chaos on Highway 401 in Northumberland County

In Local, Photo Gallery, Police Blotter

There was traffic chaos on and off Highway 401 on Thursday, January 23, 2025.

With the heavy snowfall throughout the area, numerous collisions were reported starting at approximately 11:30 a.m. on Highway 401 east of Grafton.

Even a OPP cruiser wasn’t immune to collisions.

Numerous transports were involved in a collision on Highway 401 westbound lanes approximately one kilometre from the Colborne exit.

The side of a transport cab was ripped open after colliding with another transport.

More carnage east of Colborne in the westbound lanes as numerous vehicles and transports collided blocking the highway.

Highway 401 was shut down for several hours east of Grafton and west of Brighton for the investigations and to remove the wreckage.

Diverted traffic was diverted off the highway and although Emergency Detour Route signs are clearly marked, it was a free-for-all as motorists and transports followed their electronic devices.

On Little Lake Road east of Colborne at least two vehicles went into the ditch, but thankfully there were no injuries.

Traffic was clogged in the area of Danforth Road East, east of Cobourg while OPP had to help transport drivers navigate the road, and steep hill. Although the road is not a Emergency Detour Route a number of transports made it safely on their way thanks to police.

By around 4 p.m. most areas along Highway 401 were reopened and side routes were at their normal volume of traffic.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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