Video – Police Command Post Vacant For the Summer at Cobourg Waterfront

In Local, Police Blotter

The Cobourg Police Command Post is in the same spot it is every year at the Victoria Park Campground, but this year there is no one manning the trailer.

Like the lifeguard stands, the trailer sits empty for this summer.

Cobourg Police Chief Paul VandeGraaf told Today’s Northumberland that usually the trailer is occupied by Youth In Policing Initiative.

“As we don’t have them this year, we will staff the trailer when events occur and/or as required by officers on patrol.”

VandeGraaf said the trailer will be used “occasionally,” but so far this year, campground residents said they rarely see officers using it.

Also noticed missing at the trailer was a automated external defibrillator (AED) that is commonly housed in a case at the trailer has been empty for weeks, if not the season.

The nearest AED would likely be located now at the outdoor Centennial Pool on Charles Street which most tourists visiting wouldn’t be aware.

VandeGraaf said he was unaware that it wasn’t in the case but would be looking into the matter.

The YIPI program started with Cobourg Police in 2013 and was for youth 15 to 18-years-old to help them develop job skills, team atmosphere, community relations for youth with potential leadership potential.

Other police services in the area also have the YIPI program which part of a program created by Ontario’s Ministry of Children and Youth Services.

The program also provided youth with up to eight weeks of summer employment.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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