Northumberland Humane Society Thrift Store Moves to New Location

In Local

The Northumberland Humane Society is moving their Thrift Store and administrative offices to a new, more spacious venue.

This strategic move aims to foster the organization’s growth and enhance capacity to raise essential funds for providing optimal care to homeless pets in Northumberland County.

The new establishment at 24 Covert Street is undergoing a significant transformation to create an ideal setting for the revamped Thrift Store. Anticipated an expanded retail space by 50%. Recognizing the challenges of change, NHS has ensured that the new location is conveniently located a short distance from their current Thrift Store at 46 Covert Street.

Furthermore, NHS will be hosting compelling moving sales in the coming months to facilitate the transition.

The new  thrift store is expected to open in June 2024.

NHS Animal Shelter facility will be business as usual at 2363 Theatre Road location in Hamilton Township.

As a non-government-funded charity, the Northumberland Humane Society heavily relies on community-driven fundraising initiatives, Thrift Shop sales, and generous contributions to sustain their daily operations. This invaluable support enables them to offer numerous animals a renewed chance at a fulfilled life.

The Northumberland Humane Society’s mission is to be a charitable community partner, dedicated
to improving the lives of animals.

NHS’ vision is a community in which all animals are safe, supported and valued.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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