Nearly 300 Christmas Dinners Donated to the Community by Ketch’s Korner in Cobourg

In Editor Choice, Local

The tradition continues at Ketch’s Korner in Cobourg serving up free Christmas dinner to members of the community.

Melissa Dale along with members of her family spent their Christmas a bit different from most others.

For nine years the Dale family have been cooking dinner for members of the community including police, fire, paramedics, seniors and those in need.

“We started out with seniors who are staying home, not having a turkey dinner and it escalated into different people in all walks of life.”

Each emergency service group takes a number of meals for people they know in the community who are spending Christmas dinner alone.

A total of 20 turkeys, 12 hams, 150 pounds of potatoes, 100 pounds of carrots, buns and all the other fixins to make a delicious turkey dinner.

While family members of making the meals in the kitchen, other members of the family are delivering the dinners to various locations including the police and fire stations.

Ketch’s Korner donates approximately 270 turkey dinners that go out to the community.

The tradition started years ago when Dale’s friends were going away and they asked if Dale could cook them up a turkey dinner.

“My kids are all gone on their own so we sit home and stare at each other.”

But at the end of a very long day after it’s all said and done Dale said it makes them feel good helping out their community at Christmas.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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