Suspect Involved in Pursuits and Incident at Port Hope McDonalds Will Be Released on Bail If He Can Find Surety

In Local, Police Blotter

The suspect facing numerous charges stemming from a police pursuit and a incident at the Port Hope McDonald’s will be released if he can find a suitable surety.

Jordan Denny (age 30) is the suspect who was charged with the theft of a 2004 GMC Canyon from Cobourg on July 23, 2023.

During the course of the week, the vehicle was spotted and involved in one pursuit by Madoc OPP that was called off because it was deemed to dangerous.

The stolen truck was also spotted in the parking lot of the Cobourg Library, but as a cruiser pulled in the truck fled the scene coming in contact with the cruiser.

On Sunday, Just 30, 2023 the truck was spotted in the Westwood Drive area of Cobourg. Area police services were notified, but the vehicle wasn’t located.

Later that day, Port Hope Police were advised the pick-up was in the drive-thru of McDonald’s on Rose Glen Road.

Port Hope Police tried stopping the vehicle and one officer fired their service weapon. A officer was injured by a ricochet to her head. The officer was taken to hospital and later released.

Over the course of the week, police because more concerned of the erratic driving of the suspect.

Northumberland OPP arrested Denny just south of Grafton early Monday morning. It’s believed Denny may have rammed the police cruiser during that incident.

Denny appeared later that day for a bail hearing and stated he wished to have the hearing heard on that day.

The bail package was 39-pages long.

During the bail hearing on July 31, 2023, before Justice of the Peace Mathilda Hewitt, court heard that Denny has had no prior record before the offences before the court.

Denny suffers from mental illness and although prescribed medication has not taken medication for some time. Denny has not seen his doctor in two or three years he testified. He has also not seen his family doctor in a number of months. If released, Denny said he would attend to see a physician and would take medication as prescribed.

Denny testified he couldn’t afford the cost of the medication.

Denny also stated he was “pretty positive” if released he could stay at his ex-girlfriends house and her new boyfriend.

If released Denny also stated he will not be working and will be on welfare.

“If I get released, I promise you guys I will not be back. I will not be doing anymore crime or anything at all.”

During submissions duty counsel stated that Denny is a “vulnerable person” with a diagnosis of a “serious mental health issue.”

“Miraculously at 30 years of age he comes before the court with no criminal record. No convictions, fail to appear or fail to comply. He’s not on probation.”

Assistant Crown Attorney K Wyntersaid although Denny has no criminal record the allegations before the court are close in time. One in May and five separate occasions in July.

“He’s innocent until proven guilty, but the Crown submits the type of offences being similar and the frequency of the offences – they make it clear that it’s substantially likely that Mr. Denny will re-offend if he is on his own.”

At the time of the bail hearing, that Assistant Crown Attorney said there is nothing in place to address his mental health issues.

“The Crown submits that he is not releasable on his own. The Crown is open to a surety release for Mr. Denny.”

Justice of the Peace Hewitt said, “I think a surety release is the only release order that would be appropriate to ensure you would attend court.”

“There is no real plan of any residency. It’s unclear if I were to release you on your own release order where you would stay. There is no real plan of any mental health treatment plan – even to see your doctor. But you’ve known for quit sometime you have these mental health issues, but you haven’t addressed them prior to today.”

“I feel like I have no choice but to set a surety bail in the amount of $1,000 with no deposit.”

Denny will reside with his surety and will not operate or have care or control of any motor vehicle unless he is a fully licensed driver.

Since that court appearance, Denny has appeared twice, but hasn’t secured a surety.

Denny is charged with:

July 18, 2023, Break and enter a place

July 18, 2023, Theft of Motor Vehicle

July 24, 2023, Theft Under $5000

July 24, 2023, Possession Property Obtained by Crime Under $5000

July 26, 2023, Possession Property Obtained by Crime Over $5000,

July 26, 2023, Dangerous Operation

July 26, 2023, Failure to Stop after Accident

July 26, 2023, Flight from Peace Officer

July 31, 2023, Dangerous Operation

July 31, 2023, Possession Property Obtained by Crime over $5000

July 30, 2023, Dangerous Operation

July 30, 2023, Flight from Peace Officer

May 19, 2023, Theft of Motor Vehicle

May 19, 2023, Possession Property Obtained by Crime Over $5000

May 19, 2023, Possession of a Schedule I Substance

The bail hearing was put over until August 11, 2023 when Denny will appear by video from the Central East Correctional Centre in Lindsay.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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