Cobourg Seeking Community Feedback for Waterfront Boardwalk Replacement

In Local

Public Information Session Scheduled for May 31, 2023, at the CCC

Town of Cobourg Public Works Division is seeking community feedback to assist in the design of the Waterfront Boardwalk replacement.

Project Background:
The Town of Cobourg waterfront boardwalk was constructed over 15 years ago and it is now at the end of its service life. As the condition of the wood has deteriorated, there have been
significant ongoing maintenance and inspection requirements to minimize safety concerns caused by rotting wood and exposed nails.

Project Area:
The current wood boardwalk spans from Ontario Street to Hibernia Street, including north south connections to Ontario Street, Bagot Street, and Durham Street.

Community Input:
The Town of Cobourg is seeking community feedback on the design of the new Waterfront Boardwalk. Residents are asked to complete the survey to submit recommendations on the following design elements:

• Boardwalk decking and railing materials

• Enhanced lighting options

• Enhanced seating options

Key Considerations for Decision Making:
The current wooden boardwalk is sitting on sand, and the boardwalk is continually exposed to rain, snow, ice, blowing sand, sun, and wind. The longevity of the new boardwalk will largely
be determined by the materials ability to stand up to these elements as well as the construction of the supporting structure.

When reviewing the structure and material options, participants are reminded that it is important to consider the full lifecycle costs of each option and not just the ‘2023’ capital
costs. Some options would have to be replaced several times within the lifecycle of other options. Full pricing information and lifecycle details are provided on the project engagement page.

Following recommendations from the Accessibility Advisory Committee and the Transportation Advisory Committee, staff are recommending that the width of the replacement boardwalk be widened from its current 3m to 4m.

How to Participate:
• Complete the survey on – Available until June 8, 2023

• Attend the Public Information Session on May 31 – 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the Cameco Room at the Cobourg Community Centre

Your Tax Dollars at Work:

The Waterfront Boardwalk was identified in the 2023 Capital Budget. Staff were successful in their application for a grant through the Active Transportation Fund where up to $450,000 will
be funded. The remaining balance is expected to be debentured.

The final cost of the Waterfront Boardwalk replacement will be dependent upon the community feedback project and preferred materials and upgrades for the boardwalk.

For full project details, please visit the project page on

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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