MNRF Advises People What To Do If They Encounter A Coyote

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Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry District Supervisor, Deanna Cotter advised people what to do if they encounter a coyote.

Today’s Northumberland sent a photo of the eastern coyote regularly spotted in Cobourg’s east end near CR Gummo and Cobourg Collegiate Institute over the last several weeks.

“Coyotes have been part of the Ontario landscape, including our urban areas for many decades. Coyotes have adapted well to urban environments and can now be found in both rural and urban settings. It is not uncommon to see coyotes in municipal areas.

Coyotes are usually wary of humans and avoid people whenever possible. It is important to remember that coyotes are wild animals and should never be approached.

If you encounter a coyote, keep your distance and the animal will most likely avoid you.

If you encounter an aggressive animal do not turn your back or run. Remain calm, stand tall, wave your hands, and make lots of noise while slowly backing away.

If a coyote poses an immediate threat or danger to public safety, the public is advised to call 911 immediately.

Bold behaviour (not being fearful of humans) has been previously documented in a small proportion of coyotes within populations across North America. In almost all cases, such behaviour is the result of food conditioning, the process through which coyotes lose their fear of people after repeated access to human food sources. People should NOT feed coyotes — either intentionally or unintentionally. Homeowners can take steps to ensure wildlife, including coyotes, are not attracted to their property and neighbourhood by properly managing garbage and by accompanying pets and small children outside.

Here are some tips for effectively managing coyote attractants:

Only put garbage, recycling and compost out on the morning of their scheduled pick-ups.

Regularly clean up fruit (ex. apples) on the ground as it falls from trees

Keep pet food and water dishes indoors, especially during the evenings

Regularly clean your barbecue and store it indoors when possible

Put away your bird feeders.

Clean up after your dog. Dog feces can attract coyotes

Additional information on preventing and managing conflicts with coyotes can be found at this link:

Coyotes Spotted Regularly in Cobourg’s East End


Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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