Have Your Say on New West Headlands Name

In News

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland
Given the prominent nature of Cobourg’s west headland-west beach area, its renaming is becoming an Engage Cobourg exercise involving the broader community.

The area was once known as the Langevin Pier, after Sir Hector Langevin, a proponent of the residential schools system. Five years ago, council entertained a request to rename the area, and a consultation with Alderville First Nation ensued. On May 9, there was a motion before council’s committee of the whole to accept their suggestion – Waterfront Nature Park.

The motion was voted down following debate that pointed out that this is not just a small neighbourhood park but a prominently located natural feature that attracts visitors from well beyond the local community – therefore a broader consultation seemed warranted.

“After thorough research and policy review, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is recommending a new name for the town-owned portions of the West Headland and West Beach area of the waterfront in Cobourg,” the announcement aid.

“The proposed name is the Waterfront Nature Park. Consultation was completed with community partners at Alderville First Nation in 2021, and the proposed name fits within the recommendations received at that time.”

Cobourg residents are invited to add their own input at EngageCobourg.ca by answering the questionnaire and submitting a comment to the forum.

The announcement also encourages residents to create a profile on the site and participate in a number of current public-engagement projects. To register, visit the site and click on the Register Today! button.

For more information, or help in registering, e-mail communications@cobourg.ca


Cecilia Nasmith
Author: Cecilia Nasmith

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