Cobourg Implementing Updates to Downtown and Waterfront Parking

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Cobourg Implementing Updates to Downtown and Waterfront Parking

The Town of Cobourg would like to inform all residents and guests of upcoming changes to downtown and waterfront parking.

Following recommendation made in the 2014 Parking Study and the 2021 Beach Use Survey, Staff have presented to Council an updated public parking structure as well as corresponding fee schedule. With the support of the Waterfront Working Group, all comments received through public engagement were reviewed and a summarized list of recommendations were presented to Council in January 2022. Of the 1,688 residents who contributed to the Beach Use public engagement project, two major themes that occurred were; to implement a resident parking pass for the waterfront and increase parking fees to offset the cost of infrastructure, beach maintenance and staffing requirements.

Due to the changes in rates for Downtown and Waterfront parking, set fines for failure to pay are subsequently under review. The Town of Cobourg will further update residents and guests once set fines have been approved and a full listing of information will be available at

The following changes will take effect May 20, 2022. For a detailed listing of available parking in Cobourg, or to purchase a parking pass, visit For additional information, please contact the Town of Cobourg Engineering Department at 905-372-4555.

Downtown Parking Updates – Effective May 20, 2022


Summary of Parking Lot Changes Downtown Cobourg

  • From Victoria Day to Thanksgiving, the Albert Street parking lot will be considered Waterfront Parking. Pay and display, Waterfront passes and payments by Honk Mobile accepted only.
  • Following Thanksgiving, until the day before Victoria Day, the Albert Street parking lot will return to a permit parking lot with a two (2) hour free parking allowance.
  • The Victoria Square parking lot will become a permit parking lot with a two (2) hour free parking allowance.
  • Daily parking permits will only be valid in the Covert Street parking lot

Rate Changes for Downtown Parking

Parking Permit Current Fee Fee Effective May 20, 2022
1 Day Parking Permit $5 $8 (Covert Street Lot Only)
30 Day Parking Permit $15 $25
60 Day Parking Permit $30 $50
90 Day Parking Permit $45 $75
120 Day Parking Permit $50 $100

*Note: As of May 20, 2022, daily parking permits will only be permitted in the Covert Street parking lot.

On-Street Paid Parking

Downtown on-street parking rates will increase from $1.00/hour to $1.25/hour with a three hour maximum, effective May 20, 2022.

Introduction of new, paid parking on King Street West between Ball Street and Spring Street, north side.

Introduction of Downtown Monthly Accessible Parking Permit

As part the commitment to accessibility and reducing barriers, the Town is introducing a monthly accessible parking permit, valid on-street or in downtown municipal lots.

Effective May 20, 2022, drivers that have a valid Ontario issued parking permit, may purchase a Downtown Accessible Parking Permit for $25.00. The Downtown Accessible Parking Permit will be valid on-street or in any downtown municipal lots where permit parking is permitted.

To be eligible to obtain a Downtown Monthly Accessible Parking Permit, a photo of a valid Ontario issued Accessible Permit must be uploaded/shown at the time of purchase.

Waterfront Parking Updates – Effective May 20, 2022

Changes to Hours of Operation
Paid parking within the Cobourg Waterfront will now be enforced from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., from Victoria Day to Thanksgiving with the exception of the East Beach Parking Area which is enforced from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Rate Changes for Waterfront Parking
Effective May 20, 2022, Waterfront hourly parking rates will increase from $2.00/hour to $5.00/hour, with no parking maximum.

Introduction of New Waterfront On-Street Parking
The following streets will be added to the Waterfront Parking area. Payment will be enforced from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. from Victoria Day to Thanksgiving weekend:

  • Third Street, south of Albert Street ($5.00/hour, Waterfront Pass or Honk Mobile payment are accepted)
  • Queen Street, between Division Street and McGill Street ($5.00/hour, Waterfront Pass or Honk Mobile payment are accepted)
  • Albert Street, between Third Street and Division Street ($5.00/hour, Waterfront Pass or Honk Mobile payment are accepted

Introduction of New East Beach Parking Area
On-street parking, east of Victoria Park, as identified in the map, will be pass holder parking only.

Introduction of New Waterfront Parking Passes
To purchase any of the following Waterfront Parking passes visit Please note, all parking within the Waterfront is first come first serve. Spaces will not be reserved.

  • NEW Daily Waterfront Parking Pass – $40/day
    • Eligible in all, on-street and pay and display lots except for the Charles Street lot which is reserved for resident waterfront season passes
  • NEW Resident Waterfront Season Pass – $40 (Victoria Day to Thanksgiving)
    • Eligible in all on-street and pay and display waterfront areas
    • Season passes are eligible from Victoria Day to Thanksgiving
  • NEW East Beach Area Resident Waterfront Season Pass – $20.00 (Victoria Day to Thanksgiving)
    • Eligible in all on-street and pay and display waterfront areas
    • The East Beach Area Resident Waterfront Season passes are eligible for all residents whose homes are located within the new East Beach Parking Area
    • A discount has been applied to those residents within the East Beach residential area who are most impacted by these parking changes

Residents looking to purchase one of the resident passes may do so online now at or at Victoria Hall starting May 16, 2022. Please note, if purchasing online, residents must upload proof of residency.

For a detailed listing of available parking in Cobourg, or to purchase a parking pass, visit

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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