Cobourg Council – Hopes are High for Outdoor Rink

In City Hall

(file photo)

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland
In spite of the mild weather that persists, Councillor Emily Chorley said, staff will begin working on the outdoor ice surface at Cobourg’s Rotary Waterfront Park Wednesday with hopes of having enough ice built up to permit skating on Monday.

The town has always had big holiday plans for the rink, Councillor Adam Bureau mentioning First Night on Dec. 31 from 5 to 9 p.m.

“Music outdoors at the skating rink, horse-drawn sleigh rides throughout the lights at Christmas Magic, and fireworks at 9 p.m. sharp,” he listed – then amended that continued mild weather might cancel the skating, but the fireworks were definitely a go.

Bureau also offered a preview of the new Snow and Ice Festival on Jan. 29, made possible by a Reconnect Festival grant made available by the provincial government.

“Horse-and-wagon rides, ice sculptures, interactive ice displays, DJ at the rink, a snowman-building competition to mirror the and-castle festival, live entertainment for as many restaurants and pubs ad possible that evening,” he said.

Everything for the festival from the port-a-potties to the entertainment is local, he added, with one exception – the ice sculptors come from an organization in Western Ontario.

Meanwhile, Bureau said, don’t miss the final Farmer’s Market of the year at the rink site this Saturday.


Cecilia Nasmith
Author: Cecilia Nasmith

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