Pumpkinferno a Great Halloween Treat at Fort Henry in Kingston

In Editor Choice, Local, Photo Gallery

Today’s Northumberland took a trip down Highway 401 to catch what is called “Pumpkinferno” at Fort Henry in Kingston on Friday, October 29, 2021.

The carved pumpkins on display are realistic, artificial pumpkins, whose forms have been shaped from molds of real pumpkins, that comes as “blank canvasses” ready to be designed and carved.

Over 4,000 of these artificial pumpkins were delivered in the spring prior to the first year of Pumpkinferno. More arrived each year.

The pumpkin-inspired exhibits are all created by SLPC staff at Upper Canada Village by a talented group of young artists from the Eastern Ontario region. These designers and carvers are selected based on their penchant for design, whether in his/her field of study or as a personal hobby.

The team embarked in May 2012 on this monumental project, designing, carving, and constructing the amazing array of pumpkin-carved installations at Fort Henry.

Each spring and summer, a group of designer/carvers return to create all that is new and vibrant, adding to the collection of exhibits to present a beautiful new Pumpkinferno experience each fall.

From single carved pumpkins to magnificent creations made up of hundreds of pumpkins carved together….Pumpkinferno offers a hauntingly beautiful and “home-grown” experience.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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