Breaking News – Cobourg Police Service – Fourth Special Constable Tests Positive for COVID-19

In Editor Choice, Local, Police Blotter

The Cobourg Police Service (CPS) was informed today that a fourth staff member has tested positive for COVID-19.

Through contact tracing, the individual was identified as a potential high risk contact. The member has been self-isolating since February 4 as a precaution as they waited for COVID-19 test results.

The affected member who is a Special Constable continues to self-isolate and recover at home.

“This staff member was identified through initial case and contact tracing as a high risk contact. The staff member went to get tested and was self-isolating as a precaution,” said Chief Paul VandeGraaf, Cobourg Police Service. “One safeguard in our pandemic plan requires high risk contacts to have multiple negative COVID-19 test results before they can return to work. We do this to protect the workforce. This individual’s second test came back positive.”

CPS continues to work with the HKPRD Health Unit to take the necessary precautions to protect staff members and the community.

There continues to be no disruption in CPS service delivery.

Update – Cobourg Police – Three Special Constables Tested Positive for COVID-19

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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