Loyalist College Announces $1M for Student Needs-Based Financial Assistance

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Loyalist College has allocated $1M to provide students with needs-based financial assistance, required now more than ever as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. A $700,000 fund will help qualified returning domestic and international students pay for their Loyalist education with a one-time bursary of up to $1,000 towards the cost of tuition. Loyalist Student Government, on behalf of its student members, has donated $300,000 to the fund.

“We are taking unprecedented action to remove financial barriers and support students in completing their Ontario college diploma, certificate or degree,” said Dr. Ann Marie Vaughan, Loyalist College President & CEO. “Thank you to Loyalist Student Government and the generosity of all student members who are enabling each other to continue their studies despite severe financial hardships brought about by COVID-19. We invite the College community to please help us build on this fund to empower more students in acquiring knowledge and skills, which will increase their opportunities and provide stability during these challenging times of change and uncertainty.”

The $700,000 fund is in addition to approximately $300,000 made available annually to incoming domestic students through government needs-based financial assistance, as well as more than $350,000 in returning and new student awards from The Loyalist College Foundation endowment and expendable accounts. This includes support from The W. Garfield Weston Foundation, for the Weston Family Scholarship in the Skilled Trades, designed to increase interest and participation in skilled trades careers.

“We want to help our fellow students overcome the challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic and successfully continue their journey at Loyalist College,” said Jenish Patel, Loyalist Student Government President. “As students ourselves, we understand the difference this financial support can make in the lives of students.”

Returning students can access the bursary application through the MyLoyalist portal. New students who have accepted their offer will be sent an application in the coming weeks.
To make a donation in support of student financial needs-based bursaries, visit loyalistcollege.com/support-loyalist/donate-now.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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