Cobourg Council – Town Revokes A-1 Taxi Licence

In City Hall

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland
The Town of Cobourg has announced that all taxicab-owner licenses for A1 Taxi have been revoked in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaw to Licence, Regulate and Govern Taxicab Owners and Drivers.

The bylaw provides for the Municipal Clerk to revoke the license for A1, “as the licensee has failed to comply with the provisions of the bylaw.”

This means A1 Taxi is no longer a municipally licensed taxicab business in the Town of Cobourg, the press release explained, and does not have the capacity to provide taxi services legally within the Town of Cobourg (pursuant to both the town bylaw and Section 156 of the Municipal Act 2001).

The announcement came late last week, prior to Monday’s final passage of amendments to the bylaw that council had authorized Jan 27 governing charges and rates. The changes include a $4.75 pick-up charge on top of the meter charge – which is now $1.75 per km.

The bylaw also includes a waiting charge, for waiting or for running time while under engagement. This rate is $0.75 per minute, and is activated whenever the vehicle is travelling at 0 to 26 km. per hour.

The 10% seniors’ discount for those aged 65 and older no longer applies to fares below $10, and the driver has discretion to ask for proof of age.

You can see a complete list of taxicab businesses licensed within the town on the municipal website. If you have any questions, contact the Legislative Services Department at 905-372-4301 or

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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