Breaking News – Brighton Preparing For Lake Ontario To Exceed Record Levels of 2017

In Editor Choice, Local

The Municipality of Brighton is ramping up sandbagging along the lakeshore and Gosport area on Wednesday, May 22, 2019.
Brighton firefighters and public works staff were reinforcing areas where sandbags were previously placed and also placing sandbags in backyards of homes to hopefully protect them.
“We continue to build the sandbag berms and making them higher in anticipation of the water levels increasing.”
Crews were working in the area of Lamdon Street along the lakeshore along with Price Street West, Elgin Street West and Queen Street West.
Previously staff had placed bags along the areas of concern, but as the water gets higher, the concern for flooding also increases.
The docks along Presquile Landing Marina are now underwater and waves were coming over the north wall washing into the ditch on Harbour Street.
“We’re very close, if not at the 2017 level at present,” said Caddick.
“It certainly looks like we are going to exceed that from what they are telling us.”
Along with the high levels of water, a major concern is the weather and wind.
“It can have a very detrimental effect depending on the location. Some areas are adversely effected by a west wind, where others by a south, or southwest or southeast wind.”
A number of areas have had flooding in the Brighton area and thousands of sandbags have been placed in areas to hopefully mitigate the damage.
In 2017 there were approximately 70 properties effected by the high water and flooding.
“I’m sure we’ll see that and maybe even more this time.”

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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