Cobourg Police Weekly Media Release

In Local, Police Blotter

Weekly Media Release

From the 24th of September 2018 through the 30th of September 2018, the Cobourg Police Service responded to 234 occurrences including: 7 Motor Vehicle Collisions, 10 Alarm calls, 13 Theft/Shoplifting calls, 14 Suspicious Persons/Vehicles calls, 9 Domestic/Family Disputes, 5 Mischief calls, 6 Assault calls, and 3 Break and Enters. Here are some examples of calls for service for the week:

September 24:
· A business in the downtown core was broken into and the contents of the cash register were stolen. The investigation is ongoing.
· A man was reported yelling at people outside of the county building. Police located the man who was under the influence of alcohol. The man was issued a Provincial Offences Ticket under the Liquor License Act for being intoxicated in a public place.

September 25:
· Police investigated a theft of change from an unlocked motor vehicle outside a private residence. The Cobourg Police Service is reminding people not to leave anything of value in their vehicles and to keep your vehicle locked at all times.
· Police conducted school zone Radar in the area of St. Joseph’s School. Six drivers were issued Provincial Offences Tickets for speeding.

September 26:
· Police attended a private residence and stood by and kept the peace while personal property was obtained.
· A 44 year old man wanted on a warrant was arrested at the County Courthouse and charged with Failing to Appear in Court.

September 27:

· A 37 year old man was arrested on a Committal Warrant after police responded to a report of a man behaving erratically.
· Police responded to multiple reports of thefts from unlocked vehicles. The Cobourg Police is reminding people to keep their vehicles locked at all times and not to leave anything of value inside.

September 28:
· Police recovered a previously reported stolen vehicle after responding to a report of an abandoned vehicle in the downtown area.
· Police received a report from a man that his cellular phone had been stolen by an acquaintance. Police were able to locate the suspect and return the phone to the owner. No charges are pending.

September 29:
· Police responded to a private residence in the east end for a Family dispute between a mother and her son. Police counselled both parties and advice was given.
· Police responded to a licensed establishment after receiving a report of unwanted persons who were denied service and creating a disturbance inside the establishment. Police subsequently located the individuals in question who had left on their own accord. Both parties were issued trespass notices not to return to the premises.

September 30:
· Police located a youth who had been reported missing the previous day when she failed to return home at an agreed upon time. Police subsequently returned the youth to her residence.
· Police responded to a 911 hang up call in the downtown area. Police determined that the call was placed in error and was the result of a “pocket dial”.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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