Cobourg – Clock Fixed At Victoria Hall

In City Hall, Editor Choice, Local

In the photo, Victoria Hall Corresponding Secretarcy Ruth Easton, Victoria Hall Volunteers Treasurer Treasurer Marlynne Warling, Supervisor of Building Maintenance with the Town of Cobourg, Sally LeBlanc, Victoria Hall Volunteers President Fran Richardson and Verdin Bells, Clocks and Towers Ernie Houthuyzen

The clock on top of the Grand Old Lady is up and running again.
Verdin Bells, Clocks and Towers have completed work on parts of the clock in the cupola of Victoria Hall since the beginning of the week.
The clock has been in need of repairs since the end of June and is up and running thanks to Ernie Houthuyzen and his crew from Verdin Bells, Clocks and Towers.
The hands of the clock have been refurbished, along with the mechanism that strikes the bell and clock have been replaced.
Supervisor of Building Maintenance with the Town of Cobourg, Sally LeBlanc said previously when the time needed to be changed, staff would have to climb up in the tower to update the time.
Now staff can work the time from the main floor due to upgrading and the installation of a Digital Bell Ringing Controller which is a wall mounted unit that adjusts the time unattended in the Spring and the Fall of the year to accommodate Daylight Savings Time.
With the new technology a funeral toll is also available which is controlled by the microprocessor to toll one strike every ten seconds.
There is also the capability for every hour and half-hour strikes.
LeBlanc said that they will also be reviewing to silence the striking of the bell between midnight and 6 a.m. for the comfort of downtown residents.
The $30,000 project was funded by $15,000 from the Victoria Hall Volunteers and $15,000 from the Town.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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