Northumberland County – Get Ready For Green- And Gray-Box Recycling

In City Hall, Local

Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland
Northumberland County residents will be going to a multiple-stream recycling program in 2019, Mayor Gil Brocanier told Cobourg council on Monday.
Sharing news from county council, Brocanier said the county will provide everyone with the blue, gray and green boxes that will take on three streams of recycling, with paper and organics separated out and put into their own boxes.
The mayor shared the reasoning behind the move, which has largely to do with revenues realized from recycled and recovered materials The hope is to lower contamination rates through the extra step of separating papers from containers, he said.
“With China the world’s largest importer of blue-box recycling, they have pretty rigid guidelines on what they will accept,” Brocanier said.
“So much so that a bale of paper that was $100 per metric ton is $5 now.”

Cecilia Nasmith
Author: Cecilia Nasmith

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