Benefit Concert For Victims of Port Hope Fire Raises $20,000

In Community, Local, Photo Gallery

It was more than anyone thought as the community of Port Hope and beyond came out for a benefit concert for the victims of a devastating fire in an apartment building.
Organiser Bill Fulton with the help of Susan Greer and many volunteers were absolutely thrilled with the total from the six hour concert complete with silent auction, 50/50 raffle and Gus’s Grill 2 Go.
The total amount could exceed $20,000 for the day.
“I’m blown away,” said Fulton as the concert was just about to wrap up.
“It’s just amazing how the community of Port hope and Northumberland County comes together every time someone is in need.”
Fulton lives next door to the apartment building on Wellington Street and said it was heartbreaking watching the fire and knowing so many of the people who lived in it.
“I just wanted to do something for my neighbors and friends. Everybody around here helps and steps up.”
“A lot of these people here don’t even know people who lived in the building, but they want to help.”
Over the course of the concert there was approximately 800 people who came out to enjoy great music in Memorial Park.
Nearly $4,000 was raised from the silent auction and raffle, the $760 in prize money from the 50/50 was won by John Jarvis who donated it back to the cause making the total over $1,500,
With proceeds from the food from Gus’s Grill 2 Go and donations it tallied approximately $2,000, Local 187 United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America has committed to donating $10,000 and along with monetary donations from the day the total is expected to reach or exceed $20,000.
All the money will go to the Salvation Army which will be directed specifically to the families who have been effected by the fire.
The 24-unit building located at 48 Wellington Street was ravaged by fire on Thursday afternoon leaving all the tenants with the uncertain future of the building.
The Ontario Fire Marshal’s office has completed their investigation and stated through the Port Hope Police the fire was “accidental due to electrical failure,” but police haven’t elaborated further.
Port Hope Deputy Police Chief Darren Strongman wouldn’t comment when asked if police had also concluded their investigation.
There is also no word on if the building can be saved or if it will be torn down.
Security fencing was around the apartment building stating, “Unsafe Keep Out” but no word from police on whether the building can be saved.
There was no security personnel visible on Sunday evening at the apartment building possibly protecting the contents of the building until something can be decided on the future of the apartment building.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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