House Fire – Colborne

In Editor Choice, News

Early detection prevented major damage to a house in Colborne on Monday evening. On April 2, 2018.
Cramahe Township firefighters were called to a chimney fire at a King Street East home at approximately 6:50 p.m. When they arrived heavy smoke was coming from east side of the two storey home. Firefighters quickly determined the fire started in the area of the pellet stove on the east side on the main floor. The fire had been burning for sometime undetected in the inner walls rising up to the second floor and nearly into the attic.
“We have wood siding with aluminum siding on top of it and balloon fame construction so we had extension to the (second floor) eaves,” said Cramahe Township Fire Chief Brandon Northrup.
“The issue with balloon frame construction is it causes a void from the foundation to the roof trusses, so the fire was burning for quite sometime.”
“At least two holes weren’t burnt right through the aluminum siding.”
Northrup said although there is damage to the home, it’s a very positive note the fire was spotted.
“It was festering in the walls and we didn’t hear any smoke alarms because the smoke didn’t make its way into the property.”
“It’s a very positive note it got called in when it did and the homeowner didn’t go to bed.”
As it was still daylight the homeowner spotted the fire and called 9-1-1.
Brighton Fire Department were called in to assist and Northrup said both fire departments did an excellent job working together to extinguish the fire.
Northumberland County Paramedics were on standby at the scene.
County Road 2 was closed in the area due to emergency vehicles.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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