Today came to a sudden stop after a person sent a social media post. The post was stating a person
Is it time to switch police services? Is it time to disband Cobourg Police and go with the Ontario Provincial It’s a virtual drug den just steps away from the backdrop of Victoria Hall. A beautiful sunset overlooking Victoria Hall This may not sit well with leaders in the community - but they need to get their act together. They Editorial - Where are town officials in Cobourg regarding encampments? Specifically one that is north of King Street West along
(Today's Northumberland file photo) It was a first for Cobourg as far as we know. A 16-year-old overdosed on Tuesday, August
Should it matter where a crime is committed in a community if a name is released and when should
Just when you thought things were getting better with the Cobourg Police - they throw a curve ball. On the
It could have been so much worse. Beyond the Blue Box had a break-in sometime during the early morning hours
Editorial - The adage there are three sides to every story and somewhere there is the truth needs to