It’s a virtual drug den just steps away from the backdrop of Victoria Hall. A beautiful sunset overlooking Victoria Hall This may not sit well with leaders in the community - but they need to get their act together. They Editorial - Where are town officials in Cobourg regarding encampments? Specifically one that is north of King Street West along
(Today's Northumberland file photo) It was a first for Cobourg as far as we know. A 16-year-old overdosed on Tuesday, August
Should it matter where a crime is committed in a community if a name is released and when should
Just when you thought things were getting better with the Cobourg Police - they throw a curve ball. On the
It could have been so much worse. Beyond the Blue Box had a break-in sometime during the early morning hours
Editorial - The adage there are three sides to every story and somewhere there is the truth needs to
Editorial - Another week, and there is still to be more questions than answers with Cobourg Police. The main question
Very few press releases were issued regarding Easter weekend from the three police services in Northumberland County on Tuesday,