Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland
Council has agreed to support the Cobourg Public Library’s TD Summer Reading Program again by partnering in the Ride To Read program for July and August.
Library chief executive officer Tammy Robinson made the request in a letter presented at Monday’s committee-of-the-whole meeting.
“This is where children aged four to 13 have the opportunity to ride the bus for free to get to and from the Cobourg Public Library all summer long,” Robinson said in her letter.
“Children registered in the reading club receive a sticker from the library indicating that they are participating in this program. The stickers are placed on the child’s library card, which allows them to use their library card as a free bus pass to get to and from the library.
“Children under 10 receive a sticker indicating that they need to ride with a fare-paying adult, and children 10 to 13 will have a sticker indicating that they can ride alone for free.”
Ride To Read benefited 32 children last year, Robinson reported.
“Without this program, these children may not be able to participate in the reading club this year.”
Councillor Forrest Rowden said the town had done this before, and was pleased that they will be doing it again.
“It has been very successful,” Rowden said.
“There have been some children who aren’t geting that extra reading they need to catch up with the rest of the children, and this kind of thing helps.”