It was a bone chilling day for the participants that took part in the 2025 Polar Plunge for Special Olympics in Cobourg.
Over 60 participants took part in the annual event on Sunday, March 9, 2025 that is organized by Cobourg Police Constable Josalyn Hilts and Port Hope Police Constable Tammie Staples.
Each year both officers take part in the event and in one word describe it as – “cold.”
The event has raised $54,000 in the last two years with proceeds going to Special Olympics.
Although it’s been cold the previous years, this was the first time there has been snow and ice which sets the mood for the swimmers.
Staples said the hardest part is the first step going in the water.
“It’s the mental preparation to go in,” said Hilts.
Local resident Joe Lopes raised the most money for the event.
Lopes said his initial goal was $1,000, but that quickly changed through donations and topped out at $7,000.
“It was all the great people that believe in helping others.”
Hearing about the event while coming home on the GO train, Lopes said it’s something he’s always wanted to do.
“I thought it’s now or never – so it’s now.”
Speaking just moments before the plunge his biggest fear was coming out of the frigid water with the strong, cold, winds.
“I’m terrified, but it’s all for a good cause.”
When the polar plungers entered the water, some were timid, some ran in, and a few dove in. One participant even brought along his dog with him.
Final totals not in, but organizers have said it looks like the event raised approximately $25,000.