Breaking News – Video – Transport Driver Facing Numerous HTA Charges After Hitting Firetruck

In Editor Choice, Local, Police Blotter

Northumberland OPP have charged a Scarborough transport driver with numerous offences relating to a fail to remain collision involving a firetruck.

The initial collision involving a firetruck happened on the evening of February 3, 2025 in the eastbound lanes of Highway 401 just west of Cobourg.

A Cobourg firetruck with emergency lights activated was acting as a blocker for paramedics and a tow-truck operator after a car entered the ditch.

Without warning a transport slammed into the rear drivers side of the firetruck.

A firefighter was thrown from the apparatus and rushed to hospital. He was later released and is resting at home.

The fire apparatus suffered major damage and a wheel from the transport was part of the debris field.

The transport driver failed to remain at the scene of the collision.

On Tuesday, February 4, 2025, Northumberland OPP were notified of a transport that was possibly connected to the collision was parked at The Big Apple in Colborne.

After investigation it was determined that the transport was the one that collided with the firetruck.

There was damage on the front bumper of the transport along with damage to the side of the trailer consistent with the damage to the fire apparatus.

A wheel from the trailer of the transport was also missing.

Today’s Northumberland spoke briefly with the driver of the transport who said he didn’t know he had hit a firetruck.

“I care about – he’s feeling ok. He’s home now and resting.”

The driver received six charges under the Highway Traffic Act and a Part 3 summons, which means he must attend court.

The 47-year-old driver is charged with:

· fail to slow down and proceed with caution for emergency vehicle or tow truck

· careless driving

· fail to remain

· fail to report an accident

· operate unsafe commercial motor vehicle

· fail to have insurance card (for the trailer)

The driver has a court date in April.

Breaking News – Firefighter Rushed to Hospital After Firetruck Struck by Transport at Collision on Highway 401

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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