(Today’s Northumberland file photo)
Residents and business owners are advised that our road crews will be removing snow in the downtown core beginning at 12:00 a.m. on Friday, January 31, 2025. This timeline has been identified to gain full access of the roadways while vehicles are off the road, traffic is light, and the equipment can move freely to access the areas that require snow removal.
Snow removal will be taking place on the following streets:
- Ontario Street, Walton Street to the Ganaraska Hotel
- Walton Street, from Brown Street to Mill Street
- John Street, from Walton Street to Augusta Street
- Queen Street, from Walton Street to Augusta Street
Unfortunately, this may create noise during the overnight period. We apologize for this inconvenience in advance and will do our best to keep the noise to a minimum.
Questions may be directed to Works and Engineering at 905-885-8760.