Editorial – What is The True Meaning of Transparency?

In Editorial

Editorial – It’s been awhile since front door was fixed at the Cobourg Police Service, but the damage still exists regarding transparency.

On November 7, 2024 there was a type of “Town Hall” meeting at the Cobourg Lions Centre on Elgin Street.

It had the traditional land acknowledgment and the welcoming by a few dignitaries and opening remarks.

The co-chair of the Community Safety Advisory Committee spoke about said it’s mission is to create a mutual partnership between the community and the police service.

The committee works collectively, “to create an environment of trust and openness” that results in a safer community.

The group says the only way to create a safer community is through “strong communication.”

Cobourg Police Services Board Chair Ron Kerr gave his opening remarks and briefly spoke about the letter that Today’s Northumberland published a few days before the meeting.

The letter was from a person who claimed they worked for the police service and made several allegations (none of which have been substantiated at this time).

Kerr stated the Police Services Board is the governing body of the police service.

“We represent you.”

The Board provides many things including, “promoting and accountability at the core.”

Speaking directly about the letter, Kerr stated the Police Services Board called a special meeting as they found the allegations contained in the letter, “troubling.”

The Board referred the letter to the Inspectorate of Policing and said they would fully cooperate.

“We are now waiting for the next steps and direction from the Inspectorate of Police, which will take time. Any updates to the public will be provided when appropriate as we move through the process.”

As of November 28, 2024, the Board has not received a response from the Inspectorate of Policing.
Kerr emphasized, “we will cooperate fully any review concerning the facts and allegations made.”

“We encourage the member who wrote the letter to come forward to help us understand things more fully.”

When Kerr stated in his remarks specifically that they encourage “the member” to come forward it gives the indication that the Board also stated for the first time, they believe the letter has come from a member of the service.

Today’s Northumberland was given a brief video of the meeting that night and it appeared the opening remarks were being read from the podium. A e-mail was sent to Cobourg Police Communications

Coordinator Lisa Munday for a copy of both Kerr and Chief VandeGraaf’s opening remarks.
Munday refused and stated the entire video would be posted on the Cobourg Police YouTube channel the following day.

The video taken by the police service appears it was taken from approximately three-metres away and, at times, the audio isn’t the greatest.

So, Today’s Northumberland asked again stating since both the Board and the Chief had spoke about transparency and communication, it goes without saying, a copy of what was printed and read verbatim shouldn’t be an issue to release.

In reality, their remarks could have been handed out at the beginning of the evening.

Once again, we were refused.

Today’s Northumberland put in a Freedom of Information request on Tuesday, November 12, 2024.

This is a simple request. Watching video it appeared that both Kerr and VandeGraaf were reading from a statement. Watching the police YouTube channel, it certainly appears that their opening remarks were even typed out.

Today’s Northumberland sent in a request for a status update on the FOI.

Cobourg Police Service Executive Assistant/FOI Coordinator Christine Miller stated in a e-mail on November 28, “your file is active and will be completed within the 30 days as per the acknowledgement letter dated November 12 2024.”

One of the definitions of the word “transparency” is, “the quality of being open to public scrutiny.”

This simple request highlights the situation by both the Board and Service.

This is strictly and only about “transparency.”

There should be no delay.

A copy of the notes that were read at a podium should have been easily turned over to whoever asked for them with no delay.

The word “transparency” was stated many times over the course of that evening.

At this point, they may have been well spoken words, but talk is cheap when it comes to that particular word.


Furthermore – after Today’s Northumberland published the letter, the Cobourg Police Chief, the Cobourg Police Services Board along with the Cobourg Police Senior Officers Association sent out releases condemning the letter.

VandeGraaf stated, it was “irresponsible” and went on to say, “public trust, transparency and accountability are at the core of the police service.”

Yet, it’s taking a Freedom of Information Request to hopefully get a copy of the typed opening remarks.

“I can assure the community that I stand behind my words that trust, transparency, and accountability are our priorities.”

Lisa Munday who is President of the Cobourg Police Senior Officers Association stated the allegations were so “carelessly published.”

The Chief of Cobourg Police, the Police Services Board along with the President of the Cobourg Police Senior Officers Association all issued statements regarding their disapproval of the publishing of the letter.

But at the town hall meeting held recently, the Chair of the Cobourg Police Services Board stated, the Board would “encourage the member who wrote the letter to come forward.”

Which in itself gives the letter validity that the author is someone from within the service.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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