City of Belleville Preparing for Potential Postal Interruptions

In Local

In light of the potential Canada Post disruption, we would like to advise residents to avoid putting any payments or time-sensitive documents in the mail for the time being.

The City of Belleville offers the following alternative payment options for property taxes, water utility bills, parking tickets and more:

· In-Person: Payments for a number of services can be made at City Hall (169 Front St.) or the Quinte Sports and Wellness Centre (265 Cannifton Rd.) Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

· Financial Institution Payments – Telephone/Online Banking: Property tax and water utility payments may be made at any financial institution or through your bank’s telephone or online banking services.

· Pre-authorized Payment Plans: Property tax pre-authorized payment forms and water utility pre-authorized payment forms are available online for monthly or installment payments.

· Online: Payments for property taxes, water utility, accounts receivable, parking tickets and dog tags can be made online through the City’s online services webpage.

· Telephone: Payments for property taxes and water utility can be made by credit card by calling: 1-888-460-3832.

· Drop Box: The City of Belleville Drop Box is located at City Hall (169 Front St.) at the northwest corner of the building. The Quinte Sports & Wellness Centre Drop Box (265 Cannifton Rd.) is located beside the customer service desk. As a reminder, please do not include cash in the drop box.

If you are a vendor with the City expecting payments, please ensure you are set up for Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) payments by emailing for the EFT form. For more information on payments, please contact the appropriate department below:

· Property Taxes – or 613-967-3243

· Water Customer Service – or 613-966-3657

· Accounts Receivable – or 613-968-6481

· Quinte Sports and Wellness Centre – 613-966-4632

All other non-bill correspondence for the City should be dropped off at the appropriate customer service desk Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We will provide an update once available and appreciate residents’ patience and cooperation during this time.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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