Trinity United Church in Cobourg is celebrating their 200th Anniversary with a Concert this Sunday.
The event is called, “Ahead by Two Centuries” and is a concert of sacred and secular music from the past 200 years.
The concert starts June 9, 2024 starting at 3 p.m. at the church located on the corner of Division and Chapel Streets in Cobourg.
There will be 80 performers – singers, ringers, instrumentalists. All adult and children’s groups from Trinity’s music ministry – Chancel Choir, Jubilate Handbell Choir, Joyful Noise, High Spirits, Jubilate Junior Youth Handbell Choir, Windsong Flute Choir, Handbell Trio, Bob Clarke and Nancy Telfer.
The music will feature everything from Be Thou My Vision to Stairway to Heaven with the Grand Finale has all 80 musicians and singers perform “Blessed Is He Who Comes.”
Cheryl McFarlane has been the Director of the Youth Handbell Choir for 11-years and said the “youths” are now between the ages of 19-26 years of age will be performing.
The group was at the church on Tuesday evening practising for the upcoming Sunday concert.