Facebook Group Donates to Northumberland Fare Share Food Bank

In Charity, News

Corey Evans got a tour of the Cobourg Fare Share building to see where her donations are headed.

“I came out in tears knowing the need is very real in Northumberland County for residents.”

Evans did something to try and help out the Food Bank and posted on her Out & About Northumberland County Facebook group about collecting funds or food for the Cobourg Fare Share Food Bank from July 3 to July 21.

“Many families that have 2 working parents sometimes need the extra help. The cost of living makes it so very hard.”

After making a few posts on her Facebook group about what was needed, the donations started coming in with the drive

Members from Port Hope to Brighton and every town in between helped donate for the couse.

“We have the most caring community there is. If there is a need, these members step up and help with whatever they can.”

A total of $805.00 and 1,239 pounds of food was donated.

“I cannot say how happy and proud I am of the group. It’s so gratifying to know as a group we helped a very good cause “

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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