Cobourg – Notice of Study Completion, Municipal Class Environmental Assessment For New Elevated Tank And Booster Pumping Station

In Local

Lakefront Utility Services Inc. in partnership with the Town of Cobourg has completed a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) to identify the preferred long-term water storage and pumping solution that meets the servicing requirements for Cobourg’s existing population and projected growth.

The Cobourg Drinking Water System (DWS) is owned by the Town of Cobourg and operated by Lakefront Utility Services Inc. (LUSI). The Cobourg DWS draws its water from Lake Ontario, supplying drinking water to the Town of Cobourg and some areas of Hamilton Township. As identified in the Cobourg DWS Master Plan completed in 2021, a solution is required to address storage capacity constraints in Zone 1 of the Town of Cobourg’s distribution system and pumping capacity limitations in Zone 2.

About the Study
In May 2022, Lakefront Utility Services Inc. (LUSI) initiated a Study to address capacity limitations in the Town of Cobourg’s drinking water system. The goal of the study was to identify the preferred location for a new Elevated Tank and Booster Pump Station. The need for this project was documented in the Town of Cobourg’s Drinking Water System Master Plan, completed in 2021.

Various potential locations were identified for the new Elevated Tank and Booster Pump Station. Each location was evaluated based on its impact to the natural environment, social/
cultural impacts, technical merits and financial cost.

Community Engagement
Using the Town of Cobourg community engagement tool, Engage Cobourg, feedback was collected on the preferred solution identified by the Study. Comments were taken into consideration for the completion of the Project File Report.

Study Findings
The Class EA process evaluated several alternatives to address the capacity and pumping shortfalls in the water distribution system. The preferred alternative identified was to construct
a new Zone 1 Elevated Tank and a new Zone 2 Booster Pumping Station. Five different sites were considered for the construction of the new facilities. The preferred site identified was 700
D’Arcy Street, southeast of the Cobourg Community Centre.

Full Report Information
The study has been completed in accordance with the requirements for Schedule B projects, as per the Municipal Class EA document (as amended in 2007, 2011 & 2015) which is
approved under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act (EAA).

A Project File Report (PFR) has been prepared documenting the planning and decision-making process followed during the Class EA study. For additional information on this study please visit
A hard copy of the report can be made available by contacting one of the Project Team

Contacts listed below.
Next Steps:
Following the thirty (30) calendar day review period noted in the project Notice of Study Completion, Lakefront Utility Services Inc. (LUSI) will complete the detailed design of the Elevated Tank and Booster Pumping Station, including associated works. Construction is expected to start in late 2023 and is anticipated will take eighteen (18) to twenty-four (24) months to complete.

Project Review Period:
The Project File Report has been placed on the public record for a 30-calendar day review period. Interested persons must provide written comments to the project team within the 30-
calendar day review period beginning on May 11, 2023 and ending on June 9, 2023.

The Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks has the authority and discretion to make an Order under Section 16 of the Environmental Assessment Act. A Section 16 Order
may require that the proponent of a project going through a Class EA process:

• Submit an application for approval of the project before they proceed; or

• Meet further conditions in addition to the conditions in the Class EA.

The public can ask the minister to make a Section 16(6) Order if:

• They have outstanding concerns that a project going through a Class EA process may

have a potential adverse impact on constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights; and,

• They believe that an Order may prevent, mitigate, or remedy this impact.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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