Hamilton Township Approves 2023 Operating and Capital Budgets

In City Hall

The Township of Hamilton Municipal Council approved the 2023 Operating and Capital Budget on February 2, 2023 during a special council meeting.

The 2023 Consolidated Budget is approximately $13.4 million, with the Operating Budget at approximately $11.4 million and Capital Budget approximately $2 million. The Building Department and Water Operations Budgets, which are stand-alone budgets 100% funded by users-only and therefore not included in the overall Township budget, were approved at approximately $245,000 and $814,000 ($773,000 water operating budget and $41,000 water capital budget), respectively.

The finalized 2023 Operating Budget was approved at 6.7% increase ($583,500).

Factoring in assessment growth of 0.9% from 2022 as provided by the Municipal Assessment Corporation (MPAC), the net levy increase for 2023 is 5.8%. For the average household in Hamilton Township with a current assessment value of $329,000, the 2023 municipal property tax increase is approximately $99.00.

The 2023 Budget places an emphasis on community development and promoting recreational activities within the Township. Council committed to upgrading Laurel Park on Lorraine Avenue, renovating the Baltimore Recreation Centre’s outdoor washroom facilities, and enhancements to the Harwood Waterfront. Council also committed to two new positions – a Planner and Recreation Programmer / Event Developer – to continue to grow and develop the Township and to capitalize on the existing recreational assets in the Township and provide additional services and programs for residents to enjoy.

Council also committed to enhancing its roads network by investing approximately $1.7 million for several surface treatment and paving projects, including Sully Road, Payne Road, Stoneridge Drive, and Valleyview Crescent.

During budget deliberations, Council removed a $150,000 Water Master Plan Study and requested staff look at alternatives, such as a broader Growth Management Plan for the Baltimore Settlement Area. Council also deferred a decision on the proposed tractor and mower replacement until more information and a demonstration of the equipment could be arranged.

To review the final 2023 Budget packages and departmental initiatives and projects, please visit www.hamiltontownship.ca/budget.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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