Royal Canadian Legion District F Hospital Trust Supports Equipment Needs at Ed’s House

In Charity, News

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland
Ed’s House Northumberland Hospice Care Centre is extending its thanks to the Royal Canadian Legion District F Hospital Trust for a significant donation of $18,673 for the purchase of much-needed equipment that will enhance patient care.

The Miranti Lift Bath Trolley will help residents of Ed’s House with the bathing they require, allowing those who may not be able to sit or stand to access bathing facilities and hygiene care.

“This new piece of equipment gives our residents additional comfort and security while bathing, a luxury many of us take for granted,” Director of Hospice Services Sherry Gibson commented in the press release.

“We are delighted to be able to provide our residents the option to use the newly purchased bath trolley, through the generosity of Royal Canadian Legion District F Hospital Trust, as bathing becomes more difficult as illness progresses.”

Extending the gratitude of Community Care Northumberland and Ed’s House to the Royal Canadian Legion District F Hospital Trust, who continue to support health care and medical initiatives throughout Northumberland County, the announcement noted that this is just one aspect of the work the Legion does with funds raised through its local branches and members in meeting the unique needs of their communities. The list also includes outreach and assistance programs for veterans and their families, supports for seniors and families in need, organizing commemorative ceremonies and promoting Remembrance.

District F is comprised of all the Legions in the 5 Zones of the District totaling 53 Branches. Hospital Trust is a separate entity that is able to make large donations to Hospitals, Care Centre and clinics in the District, we also are part of Tri District Hospital Trust that comprised of Districts D, E and F. This district looks after the needs of Sunnybrook Veterans and through that look after a lot of their comforts and needed funds to make their life better. A few years ago Tri District purchased a new bus to take Veterans to functions and outings such as Warriors Day.

District F also looks after requests to aid to Veterans that is not able to be done by Poppy Funds (larger items) such as a roof or furnace etc.

The local Branch is only able to donate a small percentage of their Poppy Funds where Hospital Trust was able to cover the entire amount .

To learn more about Community Care Northumberland and Ed’s House, visit www.commcare.

Cecilia Nasmith
Author: Cecilia Nasmith

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