Harvest Festival and Walk A Mile Take Over Downtown Cobourg

In Community, Editor Choice, Local, Photo Gallery, Police Blotter

It was a busy day in downtown Cobourg on Saturday, October 1, 2022.

The annual Harvest Festival was back again after taking a COVID hiatus.

The event was sponsored by the Downtown Business Improvement Area and along with the stores taking part there were a number of musicians and artisans selling items.

Another big event in the downtown on Saturday was the 15th annual Walk a Mile put on by Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre.

The event has men and women donning high heel red shoes and waling a “mile” through the crowds of downtown Cobourg starting from the Cobourg Police station to Division Street and back.

The event took on a fun nature with four teams including Cobourg Police, Cobourg Fire Department Cobourg Cougars and Port Hope Panthers pitting themselves in a friendly competition through an obstacle course.

Cobourg Fire Department beat out Cobourg Police in the first round and Cobourg Cougars beat out the Port Hope Panthers.

In the final it was the Cougars dousing the flames of the firefighters and taking the overall victory.

With the Cobourg Police losing in the “Chief’s Challenge,” Chief Paul VandeGraaf will be washing the aerial firetruck and buying a crew lunch in the near future.

After that the competitors along with many others wearing red shoes joined in a parade being lead by the Cobourg Legion Pipes and Drums.

Executive Director of Cornerstone Nancy Johnston said the event was about supporting women and children impacted by family violence.

VandeGraaf said the obstacle course was a lot of fun, “but really what this is about is working together as a community to do our best end gender based violence. This is a great opportunity for emergency services to come together and for the community to join us and to make a difference for Cornerstone.”

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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