Cobourg Police Providing Parking By-Law Coverage Over the Summer on Weekends in Hamilton Township

In Local, Police Blotter

Cobourg Police Special Constables Patrol the Bewdley Harbourfront on Sunday, July 24, 2022.

The Cobourg Police Service are under contract to provide parking by-law coverage during the period of June 24th to September 5th, 2022 inclusive. The total cost for this service is $7,738.01 which is within the parking budget. The staff report was presented to Council on June 21st.

Below is a copy of the staff report.

It is recommended that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Hamilton enacts as follows:
That Council receives Report BLW 2022-02: By-Law Enforcement – Parking and enact as follows:
That Council authorizes the Mayor and Clerk to enter into a contract with Cobourg Police for the 2022 Parking Enforcement Program; and That Council pass a By-law to give authority to Cobourg Police Services, and their identified staff, to enforce provisions of the Parking By-law for the 2022 Parking program.

Background Information:
This report is an update on the 2022 parking program.
Township By-law staff were requested to explore options for Parking Enforcement for the remainder of the summer. The Fire Department has been able to oversee and assist with the response and enforcement of parking issues in the more sensitive areas of the Township. The challenge at hand is coverage by personnel on weekends – especially long weekends. It is also important to further build out the capacity and experience with parking issues within Township.
Over the past few weeks, staff approached Cobourg, Port Hope and Alnwick/Haldimand By-law Enforcement Departments to discuss shared service opportunities. Each municipally is either short staff due to transition or could only provide a dedicated full-time staff position. The Township of Hamilton is not currently in a position to hire a full or part-time staff person, but it will be reviewed as a part of the plan as we build the Department.
Our Police Services were also contacted. Although Northumberland OPP indicated that they do not have this level/type of service (Special Constables), we advised that Cobourg Police was interested.
Staff confirmed with Northumberland OPP that this would not create confusion/problems having Cobourg Police Special Constables provide the service in the Township – should there be a call for service at the same time with our OPP municipal service.
We explored two other agencies, but due to required training or additional costs we did not proceed.

The proposed contract with Cobourg Police Service would be for temporary parking By-law coverage during the period of June 24th to September 5th, 2022 inclusive. This breaks down to an average of 12 hours of By-law coverage per weekend for a total of 140 hours. Long weekends of Civic and Labour Day would include coverage on the Monday.
The team of Special Constables are well trained and experienced in By-law enforcement.

Financial / Staffing / Legal Implications:
Financial: The total cost for this service totals $7,738.01 which is within the current parking budget.
Staffing: Relieve current pressures for staff coverage and expertise.
Legal: There are no legal implications related to this report.
Environmental and Climate Change Impact Assessment:
Strategic Plan Pillar(s):
Effective Governance: To deliver efficient and cost-effective governance in a timely manner through leadership and respect – administer with an unbiased view.
This report communicates activities conducted within the municipality to the public, and increases public awareness.

It is recommended that the Council approves the selection of Cobourg Police Service for the By-Law Enforcement contract for the 2022 Parking program and provides the Mayor and Clerk the authority to enter into the required contract.
In addition, we are requesting that Council pass a By-Law to give authority to Cobourg Police Services, and their identified staff, to enforce provisions of the Parking By-law for the 2022 Parking program, and undertake the steps necessary to give this effect.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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