Special Cobourg Council Meeting – We Are Asking You – What Would You Decide

In City Hall, Editor Choice, Local

Today’s Northumberland is asking for your input.

There is a special council meeting in Cobourg starting at 4 p.m. today (July 4, 2022).

The Old Bailey Courtroom is being opened to allow more people to attend the council meeting which will also be live streamed.

The purpose of the Special Committee of  Whole Meeting is to deal with two (2) items as directed by Council, as approved and directed at the June 27, 2022, Regular Council Meeting and whether to allow for sleeping rough in unmaintained areas of Municipal Parks in the Town of Cobourg.

Click here for the agenda

Below are the two options.


OPTION #1 (Status Quo)

THAT Council maintain the status quo and the enforcement of Municipal By-laws currently in place conducted by Municipal Law Enforcement Officers; and

FURTHER THAT Council endorse a revised Encampment Response Plan by the By-law Department for coordination with the County of Northumberland Homelessness Coordinated Response Team (HCRT) in order to establish a coordinated systemic multi-agency response to those sleeping rough in the Town of Cobourg to facilitate person-centered engagement opportunities and individualized connections to community-based supports, including dignified housing/shelter options.


OPTION #2 (Sheltering Permitted)

THAT Council allow for sleeping rough in unmaintained areas of Municipal Parks in the Town of Cobourg;

THAT Council authorize the preparation of a By-law to be presented at a Regular Council Meeting to suspend the enforcement of the Parks Use By-law regarding sleeping rough in Municipal Parks and the hours of operation for municipal parks; and

FURTHER THAT Council maintain the enforcement of the Nuisance By-law, and direct Staff to provide certain services such as dedicated By-law Enforcement staffing, security, showers, and dedicated programming, power, water, garbage disposal cooking abilities (outdoor BBQs, communal space), harm reduction supports and infrastructure, safety measures to limit violence and thefts, naloxone kits and storage for personal belongings (outdoor self-service lockers; and

FURTHER THAT Council endorse the revised Encampment Response Plan by the By-law Department for coordination with the County of Northumberland Homelessness Coordinated Response Team (HCRT) in order to establish a coordinated systemic multi-agency response to those sleeping rough in the Town of Cobourg to facilitate person-centered engagement opportunities and individualized connections to community-based supports, including housing/shelter options.


Simply put – which would you choose if you were deciding.


Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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