Video – Canada Day in Cobourg – Finally The Way It Should Be Celebrated

In Community, Editor Choice, Local, Photo Gallery

People from Cobourg and beyond finally got to hold their Canada Day celebrations for the first time in two years.

Kicking off with the parade starting from the Cobourg Public Library and ending in Victoria Park people lined the parade route.

Taking in her first Canada Day Celebrations was 28-year-old Olhn Nykonchuk from Ukraine who came to Canada in May and is staying with Sandra Banderveen and her husband.

“It’s very exciting. There are lots of people all friendly wearing Canadian clothing with red and white colours.”

Nykonchuk who was wearing a Canadian flag told Today’s Northumberland what the country means to her.

“Canada is a peaceful Country. So for me, it’s peace. I have feelings and I’m really grateful for Canada to be here and in a safe place.”

Banderveen said she’s a proud Canadian for what her Country has done for people like Nykonchuk.

“It’s been very exciting for us because we’ve met so many new people – Ukrainians as well as Canadians. We’ve really enjoyed having her and it’s all very, very positive.”

The parade was lead by the Concert Band of Cobourg playing The Maple Leaf Forever as they marched passed Nykonchuk who was recording the parade with her phone.

There were three bands and approximately 30 entries in the parade which is about average said Events Coordinator for the Town of Cobourg, Jackie Chapman Davis.

At 1 p.m. the opening ceremonies took place at the Victoria Park Bandshell with a number of dignitaries speaking.

The Concert Band of Cobourg played O’Canada.

Poet Laureate, Jessica Outram read her poem titled:

The Poetry of Our Town
Cared for by the Michi Saagiig Anishinaabeg
this land of the Williams Treaty

our story is water and fields, stone and sand
birds and butterflies among trees

first spring sun rises
on a sleeping bandshell

vellow tulips then white roses salute
a child, a parent, their dog

until summer picnics and festivals
joyful songs to Victoria Park

Fern Blodgett watches waves by the beach
the memory of a flower-class corvette

warship passes to the harbour
holding our name: Cobourg

past volleyballs and gulls
grandparents strolling south to the pier

surrounded by wind splashes
remembering old cars, new kisses

until sunset on the shore, bagpipes
a rest on west beach boulders

when monarchs pass in fall
swirling around the Ecology Garden

helpers go among plants
to nurture, our town grows

night lights shine in the north
from our clock tower, Victoria Hall,

you follow the hum of conversation
gather for a show

with families in winter to wonder
generations of performers

embraced by a vision of arts
this experience of Cobourg

the landscape is the poetry
seasons of our town, a story

blooming on the shores
of Lake Ontario.

By Jessica Outram
July 1, 2022

At the end of the ceremonies the Concert Band of Cobourg played Happy Birthday with everyone joining in.

The Waterfront Festival takes place for the next two days in Victoria Park and along the Waterfront by the esplanade.

Many different activities are taking place along with music in the bandshell for everyone to enjoy.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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